5 Important Values To Teach Your Young Ones
A lot of parents think that there’s no point teaching their toddlers values, as they’re too young to understand and grasp the concept. This is a huge misconception! There are certain values that can be instilled in your child before they turn 5. Keep reading to find out more.
1. Teach Them To Be Truthful- If you want your little one to be honest, then you need to practice the same. Your child learns by following you as they look upon you, whilst growing up. Things you should avoid doing are hiding things from your partner and involving your child whilst doing so, for example telling your child, ‘This is our little secret, let’s not tell mummy/daddy where we went’. Your child should know you are completely truthful to the father/mother and have an honest relationship. If on the other hand, your little one lies which is often due to fear, for example, if you come home to your favourite flower vase that is broken and your child says they don’t know how it happened, stay calm and help your child say the truth. It may not be easy but you need to be patient and when your child does admit their mistake be firm but also appreciate and applaud their honesty, as you are teaching them to be truthful.
2. Teach Them To Be Considerate – It’s important to teach your young ones to take into consideration how other’s feel. If you don’t teach them young, they will grow up being selfish and only put themselves first. It’s important they understand that they must learn to take into account how the other person feels too. For example, saying something hurtful shouldn’t ever be encouraged, not even as a joke. Teach them to practice using words, please, excuse me, I am sorry, thank you. These words or phrases are important to teach them to be kind and considerate. Teach them that smiling is an act of kindness and when someone smiles, it means you made them feel happy. Teach them, for example, that when someone says they’re upset with something said or done, ‘I am sorry’ can make all the difference.
3. Teach Them To Be Fair – It’s important you teach them to be fair when they’re young. Don’t be that parent, who witnesses their child do the wrong thing and not say a word to rectify the situation. If your child has been insolent, or has grabbed a toy from another kid’s hands, it’s important to step in and make them return that toy back and apologize. Also talk to them about it, and teach them right from wrong. The only way your child will learn about justice, is when you, as a parent, encourages your child to take the right action to rectify the wrong. It’s not just about rambling some 3 words ‘I am sorry’, it’s important your little ones understand the purpose of using those words, and use them appropriately. This way, you are making your child understand the importance of treating people fairly, an important value that will come handy when he/she grows up and forms relationships.
4. Teach Them The Importance Of Love – Yes, children can be very loving and affectionate, but it’s important to teach them how to be generous with their affection and to love without judging. You as a parent need to make sure you are spreading the same message by showing affection towards your partner, parents, pets etc. It’s only once they see it & hear it will they want to reciprocate the same. You can also remind your child daily they’re loved, with a simple good morning hug and I love you, to a small note on their beds before they sleep or a kiss and a hug without a reason. Just make sure you keep showing your affection and reminding your child that you love them. This way, your home and hearts will be filled with love and affection.
5. Teach Them The Importance Of ‘Sharing Is Caring’ – If you see your child fighting for another toy or refusing to give his/her toy to another child on their play date, you need to teach them that it’s kind to share and take turns. This value needs to be instilled when they’re young as naturally kids can be possessive and refuse to share be it candies, toys or any other thing they love. But as a parent if you for example bring one chocolate, break it in half and make your children share so they grasp the concept of sharing.

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