Talinda East Africa: Access Control Solutions for Home Intercom and Business Monitoring and Control

Talinda East Africa: Access Control Solutions for Home Intercom and Business Monitoring and Control

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Access Control Solutions for Home Intercom and Business Monitoring and Control

For today’s infrastructure sites, Talinda East Africa provides access control solutions that are increasingly valuable for businesses. We design and deploy solutions that target evolving threats in organizations of any scale and type that are easy to monitor and manage.

Access Control is a restriction to a place to a resource or a place. Access can only be granted to parties with authorization so they are allowed to use, enter the place or consume the information. There are two main access control systems

Physical Access Control

This defines who, where and when is allowed entry or exit, when, and where they are allowed to enter or exit. Traditionally done through locks and keys, as when a door is locked, people can access if they have the key to the door lock. With typical mechanical keys and locks, no restriction is set toward the person with the key. They are free to access the door at any time. No record keeping is done on any specific door. Furthermore, most keys can be duplicated or shared with other people – authorized or not.


Electronic Access control EAC

On the other hand, EAC use computers to solve the shortcomings in mechanical keys and locks. EAC system uses presented credential to provide access. Once granted access, the door is unlocked and the activity recorded. On the other hand, if access is denied, the door remains locked and the failed activity is still recorded. Also, this system monitors the door and may set an alarm off if opened for too long or if forced open.

Electronic Access control EAC

How credentials work

When a credential is entered into the access control system reader, the reader sends this credential information to a control panel, which acts as the processor. The credential is compared to the access control list, if it matches the list, access is granted and the entry recorded. The door remains locked if the credentials do not match. In the latter case, the control panel ignores a door open signal to prevent the alarm from being set off. The reader often gives feedback like flashing red LED for denied access.

There are different types of authenticating information or setting credentials and new more secure, faster and foolproof methods are being created. These include:

  • Passwords
  • Smart cards
  • PIN
  • Key fob
  • Pass-phrase
  • Biometrics like fingerprint, palm-vein, facial recognition, Bluetooth, etc.


Common components of an access control system include:

  • Controller panel
  • Access controlled entry e.g. door, boom barrier, elevator etc.
  • Locking hardware e.g. electromagnetic locks
  • A reader installed near the entry (In cases where the exit is also controlled, a second reader is used on the opposite side of the entry)
  • A magnetic door switch that monitors the door
  • Request To Exit RTE exit devices usually a push button that helps exits premises

Man TrapIllustration of Man Trap


Access control systems benefits:

  • Capture time and attendance information.
  • Minimize the risks associated with lost keys and unauthorized access.
  • Management of access areas and requirements.
  • Track and monitor movements of people during entry and exit.

Access control systems control which user goes where (to which access zone) and when they can go to each access zone. In this scenario, a sales department employee can be restricted from accessing the Finance department. Similarly, authorization can also be at only specific time periods.


Contactless access control systems

In the world today, we are facing the biggest pandemic of our time, Covid-19. Consequently, companies have to rethink solution approaches to meet hygiene standards and exercise precautionary measures to secure their company, employees and customers. These go beyond the popular swiping cards, inputting PIN codes and finger print biometric systems. Talinda East Africa offers contactless access control systems, IP Camera surveillance and time attendance tracking. Hence, businesses reduce infection and ensure comfortable use. Below are some contactless access control systems to choose from.

Contactless Access controls solutionsContactless Access controls solutions


Advanced Access Control Features

Some companies have highly critical infrastructure systems and resources that require highly secure access control solutions with fool proof authentication processes. Therefore, advances solutions ae becoming increasingly utilized. They include premium biometric door access control features like Dead man zone, Man-Trap, Anti-Passback, 2-Person Rule, First-In User, etc. that yield sensitive zones with additional security. These controller rules advise in applications like banking, insurance, ISPs, etc that have data centers with a lot of customer data.

Advanced Access Control Features

As an additional feature some advanced systems provide a proactive approach with instant notifications for exceptions giving SMS and Email notifications on access policy violations for attending, leaving and access related events. This is instrumental in Home intercom systems, SOHO, SMB and Large corporations’ security access control systems.

Some readers can have additional features like function buttons and LCD for purposes of data collection e.g. smart card support, clock-in/clock-out for attendance reports, and intercom speaker/ microphone/ camera support.


Hotel Lock and Access Control solutions

Illustration of Hotel Electronic Locks and Access ControlsIllustration of Hotel Electronic Locks and Access Controls


We hope this article gives you great insights in your quest to find the right access control systems in Kenya. For further information, reach out to our ICT security system consultants by calling +254700446536 or email [email protected] to have a scalable solution designed for your home intercom, office, hotels, branches or headquarters.


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Kabarnet Road, off Ngong Road, Nairobi Kenya


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