Pauline’s Message: ‘We Can Only Heal The World When We Ourselves Have Healed.’
Healing is a journey & everyone goes through it at their own pace. There are days that everything seems to be working out perfectly and there are days when everything falls apart and you have to start the journey again. Always remember to breathe in, breathe out and take a step of faith & begin the journey with love.
Living as a survivor, there are days I was so happy that finally, it doesn’t hurt anymore, but then there are days darkness would be a trigger and this would take me back to a ‘victim’s’ mentality; blaming myself for not healing so fast but with the help from friends, counsellors and my family I learnt that not putting an expectation on my healing journey would give me a greater opportunity to heal and spread light to everyone around me.
We can only heal the world when we ourselves have healed. One of the principles I learnt as a caregiver, is that this is a long-term process that requires patience and each person you meet has their own journey that they are taking.
Healing, for me, started when I finally found a voice and was able to use the voice positively to inspire the people around me.
I was struggling within, until the day I finally wrote the first poem expressing what I really felt inside me. I found an empowering space in poetry, writing and storytelling, with every line I wrote I was taking back my power from the perpetrators and using that power to inspire the world.
So I will do a poem today for every person who has stood with me and for every caregiver around the world.
Dear Angelic soul
I was brought up in a world of darkness where everyone was striving to be better than the other
My voice was shut with a simple word that I was not enough
I lost my confidence and self-esteem at a young age
No one noticed
No one cared
But here you came…
With a candle full of Hope and Love
You took imperfections and perfected them
You taught me love
You opened up your life for me
You gave me a shoulder
You treasured every step I took
And here we are today living every dream we wished for
I just passed by to say thank you
You are amazing!
Pauline Juma, Age 25, Founder of ‘Rebirth Of A Queen’