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why do we need to floss Tag

Chipped Teeth: When To Do Something About It & When To Ignore It! I had written earlier about tooth wear and the multiple causes of tooth wear. Physiological tooth wear is the natural wear and tear of teeth that occur during

Taking Care Of Your Oral Cavity During The Festive Season It's that time of the year now that we have all been looking forward to. It’s the time where families get together to celebrate. This year however has been quite

Halitosis? What's That? Halitosis is the medical term for bad breath. It can be quite embarrassing and may even cause anxiety in some people. Shelves in supermarkets are flooded with products that fight bad breath. These are only temporary measures,

Dental Abscess? What's That? First, let’s talk about what an abscess is. An abscess is a collection of pus that is caused by an infection. There are two main kinds of dental abscesses. These abscesses are periapical and periodontal abscesses.

The Importance of Flossing Correctly When I ask my patients how many times do you floss, many say to me “Doc I stopped flossing because my gums bleed.” One of the signs of diseased gums is bleeding when touched. This condition is