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Stay calm Tag

How To Keep Yourself & Your Family Calm & Anxiety-Free During A Crisis Such As COVID-19 Lately every news channel, every social media platform, every other person is only talking about COVID-19 or Coronavirus. The current situation with the 'coronavirus' or

Reduce Stress With Regular Breathing Exercises Breathing exercises are one of the best & simplest form of exercise to reduce stress. If you are stressed and want to get rid off your stress you can learn to voluntarily control your respirations

Pauline's Message: 'I am a believer that each day is an opportunity to learn something new and pain too can be a lesson to learn from.' It’s in the darkest season in our lives that we get to appreciate the light

Pauline's Message: 'Calm Yourself The Storm Will Pass' Many a time, I find myself so worried about so many issues around me. I find myself restless and not able to make decisions without panic attacks and anxieties. My friends sometimes blame