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reading habit Tag

How To Build Self-esteem In Your Child? - Written By Alvira Diwan Self-esteem means having confidence in one's own worth or abilities and having self-respect. A child’s self-esteem begins to form very early and continues being created day by day.

How To Improve Academic Performance In Children? - Written By Alvira Diwan Every parent wants their children to excel in every field they step in. As parents, you try your best to instil good values and morals in your children. Instilling

What Can You Do As Parents, To Fight Peer Pressure In Childhood? - Written By Alvira Diwan How often has your child asked you for something his friends have? Or to do the things they do? When they want to join

How To Develop A Reading Habit In Your Child? - Written By Alvira Diwan Reading helps a great deal in building your confidence, reduces the stress and puts you in a better mood.