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raising a smart child Tag

Cultivating Empathy: Benefits & Tips Empathy is the ability to understand how others feel and & be able to put yourself in their shoes, despite any differences. It's basically about perspective-taking and compassion. It is a foundation needed to build good

Homework Hassles: Every Parent's Headache! Homework is a set of tasks assigned by teachers, for students to complete outside the class. These commonly include assignments comprising reading or writing tasks, mathematical exercises etc for practice. The whole point of homework is

Stage Fright: How To Help Your Child Combat Stage Fear Have you noticed your child gets nervous, fearful or stresses just before a recital, play, class presentation or school concert? Though some children love having all eyes on them, not all

How To Raise A Smart Child If you are wondering, is it even possible to raise a smart child without struggle, then the answer is YES! All you need is a conducive environment which includes love, support & care, encouragement along