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Mrs. Chatterjee Vs Norway (Bollywood) Tag

Bheed (Bollywood)- Chaos, violence and fear erupts when East Indian workers hit a checkpoint during a COVID-19 lockdown that restricts travel.

SHAZAM! FURY OF THE GODS- Bestowed with the powers of the gods, Billy Batson and his fellow foster kids are still learning how to juggle teenage life with their adult superhero alter egos. When a vengeful trio of ancient gods

Mrs. Chatterjee Vs Norway (Bollywood)- An immigrant Indian mother fights the Norwegian foster care system and legal machinery to win back custody of her children.

CREED III- Still dominating the boxing world, Adonis Creed is thriving in his career and family life. When Damian, a childhood friend and former boxing prodigy resurfaces after serving time in prison, he's eager to prove that he deserves his