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mindfulness practice Tag

Embracing Preventive Healing Through Mindfulness - Article by Shahwana What we see, we embrace, what we don’t see, we tend to take it for granted

Discover The Power Of Mindfulness In Preventive Healing & Self-Care - Article by Shahwana What we see, we embrace, but what we don't see, we tend to take for granted. Until there is pain and discomfort, we often neglect certain parts

Meditate & Listen To The Stillness - Article by Shahwana I come across many people, in my workshops where I teach Pranic Healing, and when a subject of meditation is brought out, 80% of the students say, I cannot meditate, I

Meditations By Marcus Aurelius- Wisdom from one of the greatest philosophical minds in all of Roman history. Divided into twelve books, these meditations chronicle Aurelius’s personal quest for self-improvement. This enduring text from one of history’s greatest warriors and leaders