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green nairobi Tag

NAIROBI NATIONAL PARK - THE GREEN ISLAND! - BY GARETH JONES In the Athi basin many species are currently preparing to cross the Athi river to move out of the Nairobi Park. This seasonal movement out of the park usually happens

NAIROBI’S REGAL OUR FORESTS ARE GREEN LUNGS!! - By GARETH JONES After good rains, new life often emerges in many ways. Flowers blossom with bright splashes of colour, standing out magnificently against the green surroundings and the dry drab grasses erupt

THE NAIROBI VEGETATION- A GREEN SCENE! - BY GARETH JONES After some good rain, new life often blossoms in many ways. Flowers blossom with bright splashes of colour, standing out magnificently against the green surroundings, and the dry drab grasses erupt