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energy hygiene practices Tag

Calmness Of Mind Written by Shahwana Khanam Is it possible to make our minds still and calm? Not possible, it has been discovered that the human mind generates 60,000 thoughts a day, now isn't that an incredible discovery? How do we keep

Declutter Your Life & Watch The Magic Happen! Written by Nina Saxena In today’s world, we are literally bombarded with information from different sources. One study says we have more information from the last two decades than from the beginning of

Lavender Oil - The Natural Way To Feel Good - By Shahwana Can Lavender oil help me feel good? For ages, people use aromatherapy oils, in a diffuser and for massages as well as for energy healing. Some benefits of Lavender oil: Lavender essential

Energy Hygiene & Its Importance In Our Lives - By Shahwana Khanam We are living beings with living energy fields. Just as the quality of water is important to the life of the fish in an aquarium, the energetic environment around