Surprise Your Loved Ones With An Easter Bouquet From J.K. Florists!

surprise your loved ones with an Easter Bouquet

This Easter, Surprise Your Loved Ones With A Fresh, Floral Easter Bouquet From J.K. Florists!

Easter Floral bouquet

It’s almost Easter, so why not surprise your loved ones with a beautiful Easter fresh, floral bouquet from J.K. Florists? After all, there’s no better way to wish your loved ones a Happy Easter than with a fresh floral bouquet! Check out the gallery with the different Easter bouquets by J.K. Florists, in pastels to yellows. Hurry & call J.K. Florists to customize a fresh and perfect Easter bouquet, for you and your loved ones!!

All Occasion Florists

We are your all-occasion florists who specialise in the following:

Wedding Bouquets │ Parties │ Arrangements │ Hall Decorations │ Fresh Flowers │ Dry Flowers



Shop number 7B
Amani Plaza
3rd Parklands Avenue, Highridge.