Succulent Dry Fried Gizzards By Chef Raphael – H&S Valentine’s Recipe Of The Week

succulent dry fried gizzards

Making Cooking Easy: The Best Of Chef Raphael

Want to try something different this coming Valentine’s Day? Try out the Succulent Dry Fried Gizzards recipe by Chef Raphael. It’s not only delicious but also very easy to make and goes perfectly with ugali, rice, mashed potatoes and a generous serving of greens!! Your loved one is definitely going to be surprised with this full of flavours organ meat recipe!

succulent dry fried gizzardsChef Raphael – Bringing The Culinary Experience To Your Home

SUCCULENT DRY FRIED GIZZARDSsucculent dry fried gizzards


Serves 2-3
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes


½ kg Gizzards (cut into 2)
40ml cooking oil
2 onions (diced)
3 small tomatoes (diced small)
3 garlic cloves (sliced)
1/2 cup mixed coloured peppers (diced)
Dried chilli flakes/fresh chillies (optional)


On a very hot pan with oil, add the gizzards and allow to brown on all sides while on high heat. This should take about 3 minutes.

Add the onion, salt and pepper then stir allowing to cook for about 3 minutes or until slightly brown. Add more oil if necessary for the browning.

 Add the tomatoes and garlic, stir and allow the tomato to cook. Add a little water and finally add the coloured peppers and chilli(optional). Cook for 2 minutes

Turn off the heat after adjusting the seasoning.

Serve the gizzards with rice, ugali or mashed potato and a generous serving of vegetables.



These dry-fried gizzards are amazing gizzards or organ meat in spicy delicious flavours. ventriculus, gastric mill, and gigerium or organ found in the digestive tract. It is the stomach part which can be cooked and made to taste exotic. It is made of thick muscular walls and a tough horny lining can be extremely succulent and flavoursome when cooked properly with the right ingredients.

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