Strict Parenting & Its Effects! – H&S Education & Parenting

strict parenting

Are You A Strict Parent?

By definition, a strict parent is one who uses Strict parenting approach to rear their child. They usually have high standards set with firm rules and regulations with one main goal being ‘obedience’, which if the child doesn’t abide by, he/she is punished. There is only one-way communication i.e. from the parent to the child. Parents using this style particularly portrayed as less nurturing & it comes with a price. The reasons as to why some parents use this style of parenting may be due to the cultural or ethical background or it may just be the way they themselves were raised and don’t know of any other way! Theses parents believe in ‘spare the rod & spoil the child’ concept.

Strict parenting involves:

-Following strict rules and if these rules are broken, punishment must follow. The punishment can be physically and emotionally abusive.
-Parents believing that obedience and love are the same things.
-One-way communication, with no open communication which can be very damaging to a child as he/she may grow up having low self-esteem and no confidence.

The Negative Effects of this parenting style:

  1. Due to harsh disciplinary methods, these kids lack self-discipline & responsibility as no one likes to be controlled. In the end, these kids become somewhat more rebellious.
  2. This style involves ‘fear’ & ‘force’ as a means to get the child disciplined. These children end up mirroring their parents and can end up being bullying others.
  3.  Children raised by strict parents can end up being angry and depressed with low self-esteem, as they feel neglected and rejected by the parents.
  4. Because of the fear of punishment involved these kids end up becoming liars to avoid confrontation and punishment. socially withdrawn, shy, failing to make their own decisions in life.
  5. With the lack of empathy, and no TLC the parent-child relationship barely exists and with time the child loses interest in pleasing the parent thus parenting gets more and more difficult

All in all, this parenting style doesn’t work! It doesn’t support positive parenting and is more damaging as it definitely doesn’t create better-behaved children. The best way to raising a child is by setting boundaries and expectations combined with warmth, support involving an open-communication.

strict parentingDo you have any parental challenges? Let us know If you have any concerns or questions about parenting, leave your comments below & our expert will get back to you!
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