Staying Fit & Healthy With Kevin

fit & healthy

Staying Fit & Healthy With Kevin Waimana Viezee The Runner

Welcome back to this week’s article. Today I shall be talking about how I stay fit and healthy throughout the year. Things like ‘injuries’ and ‘falling sick’ we totally don’t have control of, on the other hand, there are ways that you can try to prevent these from happening.

Staying healthy is very important for me and my body, as I need my body to be fit and healthy throughout the year so that I can train and achieve my goals. In order for that, I watch everything I eat and take my supplements and eat the right food tor energy and proteins. It’s always very important to eat proteins for muscle recovery, that’s one of the most important food requirements. In a day I try to consume as many calories as I have lost on that day. Sometimes it’s very hard to regain all the calories but it’s important to try and do so. As long as you eat properly and your body gets the correct nutrients, then it’s hard for your body to fall sick as your immune system will be stronger.

Injuries on the other hand are very easy to prevent. The one thing I do a lot is ‘stretch’ and I also do a lot of exercises. I also see my physiotherapist for checkups at least twice a month and also visit my masseuse twice a month. This always helps with loosening the tension in the body and that’s how you can easily prevent any upcoming injuries. Injuries are always a sign of your body getting overused and your muscles just need a check-up and exercises to strengthen them and to help them recover. Over time, your body and muscles get used to the training you do. That will also mean that you will most likely get fewer injuries.

fit & healthyKevin Waimana Viezee