Sleep – Positive Reflection Of The Week


The Body’s Rejuvenation Time; SLEEP – By Shahwana Khanam

Optimal good health is based on a good night’s sleep, did you know that? Yet many people struggle with getting that restful night. Research says maybe 30% of the population or even more have insomnia, worldwide. As we grow older lack of sleep starts becoming more common. Why can’t we sleep like a baby or the lucky ones still can?

There are a growing number of people who find it difficult to get a good night’s rest. Not being able to sleep soundly has other repercussions on your overall well-being. It can give rise to health issues, have an impact on your productivity levels, and even cause you to age faster.

What causes Insomnia?
There is speculation of the multiple causes of sleep deprivation and a lot of ongoing research on insomnia. There are possibly multiple causes of this phenomena. But there is only one primary cause. That is known as ‘stress’. The fact is that we all have stress in us. To put this in context, how many of us suffer from neck pain and shoulder pain? The cause is stress. Imagine these affects our sleep pattern. You wake up feeling more tired on many mornings exhausted, then on top of all this, we have mood swings that drag us down. The whole day is not that great. The underlining cause ‘lack of sleep’!

So why not take care of the ’cause’ first instead of trying to take medications which in the long term can be addictive and harmful.

Focusing on your breath is a good place to start when you’re trying to calm yourself down to get to sleep. “In order to fall asleep, mindful breathing can be very helpful; all it means is that, as you’re laying down to go to sleep, you observe the breath,” Chopra told CNBC. To try it yourself, count to four as you breathe in, and then to six as you breathe out. According to Chopra, doing this slows your breathing from an average of 14 breaths per minute to around eight breaths per minute, allowing you to relax more readily. “Mindful breathing immediately restores self-regulation [and] calms the mind,” he added. – Deepak Chopra

You can explore There’s actually a foundation on this topic.

You can also use a Holistic Approach to resolve this issue:
Sleep problems? How Pranic Healing can help?
There are lots of techniques taught by Master Choa Kok Sui (Founder of Modern Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga) that you can use if you have a problem falling asleep. Here it goes.

1. Exercise: You may be surprised at the first one. But actually, this is a helpful remedy. Exercise helps the body expel unwanted dirty and diseased energies. You might have noticed that your mind tends to become still after a heavy workout. Exercise immensely helps in cleaning the aura of stress-energy. Vigorous exercise is preferable… but if you are not able to do that, then 1-3 sets of preparatory pre-meditation whole-body exercises taught by MCKS are very effective. Give that a shot. Exercises reduce stress as well.

2. Take a Salt Bath: Salt and water are natural cleansers and have been used since ancient times for purification. A salt bath with lukewarm water before bedtime is very good at disintegrating negative emotional energies. It helps you (partially) cleanse and remove the stress-energy you may have gathered all day.

3. Meditate: Doing any advanced meditation techniques is like taking a spiritual shower. The descent of the divine energy instantly flushes out the negative emotional energies from your aura making you feel lighter and more peaceful. The Meditation on Twin Hearts is a helpful practice in cleansing your aura, destress, calm you down.
Try it:- – about Twin hearts

4. Try a Pranic Healing session: Pranic Psychotherapy offers a range of healing to declutter and disintegrate stress energies. Give it a try:

You may also want to follow some guidelines for a good night’s sleep:
1. Reduce caffeine/alcohol/smoking
2. Do Not Overwork
3. Relax life is short, enjoy the moment now
4. Read more, reduce screen time
5. Rub lavender oil on your feet before bedtime-
6. Mediation on sleep guided by Louise Hay-

Sleep is a vital indicator of overall health and well-being. We spend up to one-third of our lives asleep, and the overall state of our “sleep health” remains an essential question throughout our lifespan.

Affirmations to Repeat When You Can’t Fall Asleep-

Below is to help us understand how many hours we need to catch up our beauty sleep.
Age Group : Recommended Amount Of Sleep:
3 to 5 years : 10 to 13 hours
6 to 13 years : 9 to 11 hours
14 to 17 years : 8 to 10 hours
Adults: 7 to 9 hours

Research shows Some people claim to feel rested on just a few hours of sleep a night, but their performance is likely affected. Research shows that people who sleep so little over many nights don’t perform as well on complex mental tasks as do people who get closer to seven hours of sleep a night.

Take care, have a rested Sleep! Your body and mind need to rejuvenate and revive.


Shahwana Khanam – Pranic Healer