Embracing Your Shadow Part 1
A lot of you, including those whom I work with quite regularly, have often asked me about what the Shadow is, and what does Shadow Work entail.
Let me start with first introducing you to your Shadow.
The Shadow is called the Shadow because it is the part of us that we have kept hidden, undisclosed, stowed away deep inside of us. It is the part of our psyche that we are ashamed to take responsibility for fear of being judged, hated, looked down upon and possibly cast away.
However, it still is a part of US.
Now, looking at the literal meaning of the word, a Shadow: “an image cast upon a surface by a body intercepting the light”. Which means, the dark parts of us that do not allow the light to pass through – same thing, still a part of us, isn’t it? In short, if you have a body, you have a shadow.
The shadow holds on to our pain, dejections, rejections and & distorted beliefs. It holds on to our judgments, our vices, & all the lies we have told and continue to tell ourselves. The shadow is the part of you that knows how to judge yourself. Harshly.
It knows that you will not give up an opportunity to steal money lying around, or tell a lie to cover up your little pleasures. The part that knows you turn a blind eye towards the beggar on the street, because you think he or she is dirty and beneath you (you judged, didn’t you?)
Your shadow holds on to the parts of you that you don’t want to look at, much less deal with. Let alone let anyone come close to discovering it.
What we do not see, or want to understand, is that by visiting the dark alleys of our Shadow Self, we discover treasure chest upon treasure chest of self-knowledge.
Stay tuned to find out more about the Shadow!
Alia Datoo, Transformational Holistic Energy Coach