Self-Love: An Act Of Love! – Written By Michelle Arscott
Watch this short video to inspire you with your self-love regime. Self-love should always be a priority and even more so in challenging times. The tougher the situation you find yourself in, the more you should be increasing your self-care acts.
Some questions prompt to support you:
How am I committing regularly to self-love in my daily routine?
What boundaries am I putting in place to look after myself?
How am I monitoring my online actions and exposing myself to inspirational and positive material online?
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your current commitment to self -care?
(1 would be very poor self-care habits and 10 would be a brilliant self -care regime.)
If your self-rating score is below 8, think about what can you do today to improve that score?
What do I need to STOP doing?
What do I want to START Doing?
What do I want to CONTINUE doing to improve my self-care regime?
Sometimes you can believe that dedicating time to your self-care is selfish. Think about how you feel when you do take time out for yourself, aren’t you, in fact, a better version of yourself?
Once you look after yourself and prioritise that in your life, then you can be a bright light to the people all around you, be it to your family, your friends or the wider community. The world, especially at this time needs your light. Self-love is far from a selfish act; it is, in fact, an act of love!
‘An empty lantern provides no light. Self-care is the fuel that allows your light to shine brightly’
Michelle Arscott – The International Adult & Kids Life Coach