Understanding Self-Esteem – Written By Shahela Sheikh
We often say that that we believe in ourselves, regardless of how we view ourselves. This article looks at self-esteem to help you understand yourself better. What is SELF-ESTEEM? Self-esteem described in the simplest way is how you view yourself; an overall opinion of how we evaluate ourselves, or a global judgement about the self. Self-esteem shapes how the person thinks feels and behaves.
How would you measure your self-esteem? To the controversial belief, many measure their self-esteem through, intelligence, attractiveness, job, possessions, wealth, relationships, achievements etc.
While some may believe to have a high self- esteem, because of the factors mentioned above, through the intensity of success and positions in different aspects of life. Others may believe to have low self-esteem. This article’s main focus is on identifying low self-esteem. What is low self-esteem? An underlying sense of inadequacy or worthlessness.
How do we recognize low self-esteem?
Identifying yourself with low self-esteem is not too hard however accepting that you may have low self-esteem can be an issue. Many of us have low self-esteem but try to fit to societal expectations that drive us away from accepting and working towards having better self-esteem. When you have low self-esteem, the best thing is to identify the changes in your thoughts, emotions, behaviours and physiology.
The thoughts include:
Negative self-statements
Discounts positives
Focuses on perceived weaknesses or flaws
The behaviours include:
Over compliance
Difficulty asserting needs
Avoidance of challenges and opportunities
Closed body posture
Poor eye contact
Hushed voice
The feelings include:
The physiology includes:
Uncomfortable body sensations
Anxiety symptoms
Low energy
If you experience the above, then you’re probably suffering from low self-esteem. It would be essential that you seek professional advice from a mental health specialist.
Shahela Sheikh – Psychologist