Screen Time – H&S Education & Parenting

screen time

A Parent’s Guide To Screen Time!

screen time

The schools continue to be shut until next year & this means kids will be spending a lot of time indoors. The first thing that parents get concerned about is ‘Screen Time’. Naturally, since children are going to be indoors the screen time can get a little out of control. However, it’s important that parents understand what amount of screen time is acceptable before they start panicking about their child spending too much time on the screen!

There are many pros as to why screen time should be allowed for children older than 2 years of age. Remember there are so many positives if used appropriately as it can be used as an educational tool. Screen time isn’t a bad thing provided parents control the screen time by setting some rules and focusing on quality over quantity.

Too much screen time is not good and parents need to understand this! Just because you can’t deal with your child being in your face as you have had a stressful day, please don’t use the screen time as an escapism tool! Too much of it is not good as it can cause obesity, behavioural problems, sleep-related problems & you will be left to deal with an inattentive and apathetic child which won’t be a pleasant thing to deal with.

Given the current COVID-19 situation, it is also quite challenging to handle screen times as children can throw tantrums when the screen is taken away. But like any tantrum, a parent should use distraction as a means to divert the child’s attention elsewhere maybe by using a toy or some different activity.

Never replace playtime with screen time and never use these too synonymously! Playtime should be an integral part of your child’s schedule as this involves using and working on the senses such as touch, sight etc. Screen time may be included in the playtime but should never replace playtime. Even though outdoor activities have been reduced if you have a private garden make use of it, if however, you are living in an apartment complex, try and include some outdoor activities indoors such as playing indoor soccer in a room with a softball so that your child is active and healthy! Get creative and make the most of what you can & don’t let the screen takeover!

The Screen Time Dos:

It’s important to have some rules around screen time. According to the American Academy of Paediatrics children younger than 2 years of age (18-24months) shouldn’t use be allowed on screens except maybe for video chatting. For children aged 2-5 years, screen time should be limited to 1 hour a day to quality screen time. As the child grows now it depends on you as to how much media your child can be allowed to access per day. Remember the 3 C’s Child, Content & Communication are the keys to quality and safe screen times! Supervise your child, monitor the content & communicate with your child to find out what they have learnt or what they are watching!

So How Can You Ensure The Quality?

1. It is a must for parents to check all programs, games, apps etc before allowing your child to access them. Have a security lock if needed so your child can only access what you allow them to. For best results, it’s always advisable to monitor and be involved with your child whilst they are on the screen.
2. Opt for smart programs that allow engagement which stimulates the brain and can be used as a great tool for brain development.
3. Security is mandatory. Have a security parental lock if needed so your child can only access what you allow them to.
4. Supervise, supervise, supervise!! No matter what it’s always important to keep a close eye on your children. If you are a working parent doing your work and taking care of your child, take breaks to check on them also ask the what are they watching or playing.
5. It’s best you invest in programs and apps that don’t have too many distracting adverts and videos that can be violent or non-child appropriate.
6. Refer to Common Sense Media to find out what’s age-appropriate programs and apps to use for your child. You as a parent can also learn about a particular game or program!

Remember older children or children that are mature need to be disciplined too and you need to set limits as parents to their screen time. It’s also good to talk and explain to the child on how to surf the web safely and to avoid sites that are not appropriate for children and about what hackers do and why they should give out details etc on unsecured sites. Make these conversations age-appropriate without revealing too much information and arousing their curiosity.

Screen Time Limits For Older Children:

1. Create a no-tech zone or times such as on dining tables, during homework and limit such as to one night a week etc.
2. It is also important to ensure time limits keeping in mind no screens at least an hour or two before bedtime to avoid their sleep cycle from being disrupted, also make it a rule that they can’t enter their bedroom with their device.
3. Opt for apps that control the amount of time a child can spend on a device.
4. Whilst preaching it’s also important you limit your own screen time as older children need to see you as the parent doing the same thing.

Teach your teens what is appropriate and acceptable behaviour when surfing and using social media which today is a huge part of a teenager’s life. Explain the no-nos of sexting, cyberbullying and sharing personal information. It’s important to have the talk with your teen to protect them and others from harm. Even though your teen believes they’re grown up and responsible, as a parent always monitor your teen’s social media accounts. Do this tactfully as you don’t want them to lose their trust in you as teens can be quite volatile and rebellious.

 H&S MagazineKenya, Kenya’s Top Magazine