Running With Kevin The Athlete


‘I was born to run, I might not be where I want to be yet but I am heading there!’ – Kevin Waimana Viezee

Hey, guys welcome back to my running article. For today’s topic, we shall discuss how to stay motivated, keep on training and having goals. It is okay and perfectly normal once in a while to feel very lazy and not want to train. We all have our off days when our body says ‘NO not today’.

It took me a long time to stay motivated throughout the year and also having proper goals as well. As long as you have goals, this will always keep you motivated. As an athlete, you have different goals. The biggest goal for any athlete is to get to the Olympics and win a gold medal. In the process of that, you also need to have intermediate/smaller goals to keep you motivated as well as to keep you focused. Along the way, you can also test yourself to see if you are on the right path. That’s how I make my goals. I have the main goal & then I have smaller goals to keep me working hard to reach my main goal.

Motivation is a key thing in running if you don’t have it, it’s really hard to be focused and to be able to achieve anything you want. My goals are something like this: for example, my goal is to run 120km this week and I will be so eager to achieve that. When I reach my target for the week I always feel happy and that I have accomplished my results. Never make a goal so high that you can’t make it to start with. If you don’t make it then you will get disappointed and that will bring your motivations down. The best thing is to start with very small goals, i.e. take baby steps and eventually when you are commutable you can go for a bigger goal. All for all, you need to have fun and enjoy what you do, that’s always the start to something!

runningKevin Waimana Viezee