‘I was born to run, I might not be where I want to be yet but I am heading there!’ – Kevin Waimana Viezee
Painful, Intense, and Extreme. On the other hand, it is Empowering, Fast, Rewarding and Sensational.
From a young age, I was always on the run. I lived with my biological family until I was 9.5 years old. I lost my biological mother when I was 9.5. I later got fostered by Carla who ended up adopting adopted me when I was 17 years and she became my mother. I see running as a way of channelling my energy and anger. When I lost my biological mother at such a young age, my whole world turned upside down, I then noticed that running helped me calm down and be in my own small little world where I felt safe and comfortable.
To this day I use running as a form of meditation, to help calm down and have a free open mind. I have always struggled in school. I noticed back in school that I was good at something and that was sports in general. Then I eventually discovered running. It was sports day at St Mary’s school in Westlands. It was my first time to participate in a competition and to represent my team. I was all excited and anxious. One of my first races was the 100m. We all lined up to start, on your marks, get set, go. I was out of my box like an impala being chased by a cheetah. I won the race by a huge margin. That’s how I found out that I was talented in running. My mother noticed it as well, she later encouraged me to pursue my Olympic dream in running. I was 13 at that time, so I was never focused and not motivated to train hard. I thought my talent would be enough to succeed as an athlete. My mom used to force me to wake up early to go training, she knew the sacrifice would pay off eventually. The pain of losing my biological mum pushed me to start running as a way of coping, but the love and support of my adopted mother fueled my drive. Sacrifice and hard work on my end have gotten me where I am right now!
I was born to run, I might not be where I want to be yet but I am heading there. My journey has been one of pain and love, My name is Kevin Waimana Viezee, born & raised in Kenya and I represent the Netherlands at international level.