Reward And Reprimand! – By Bilkis Bhandwalkar

reward and reprimand

REWARD AND REPRIMAND GO HAND IN HAND! – Written by Bilkis Bhandwalkar

These two words although beginning with the same letter ‘R‘ are an antithesis to each other and most importantly are to be tread with RESTRAINT!!

1.  REWARD:- You should not be very generous in showering REWARD(S) to your child indiscriminately and abundantly.
If the parents indulge in REWARDING the child every now and then, the child loses the importance and interest, taking things in his stride…in other words he gets accustomed and the novelty and eagerness wear off!

2. REPRIMAND:- Here again the same rule applies and caution should be practised. For the child to understand the difference between ‘Good and Bad‘… ‘Right and Wrong‘ bears a very thin line.
As parents, you have to make him/her understand the same gently and patiently.

THE right balance between the above two “R’s” will bear the right result!! and the child, in turn, learns to appreciate the goodness and avoids bad things.

As parents, it’s imperative on you to use refined vocabulary, mild tone and a gentle approach while instilling values in the child as this is an abstract conception for the young developing mind.

Try to teach him by saying “A is good” but “B is not so good“, thereby avoiding negative terms such as bad, evil, ill etc.

Your action and your conduct will be your child’s lesson in learning, so practice what you preach!!!

Last but not the least “HITTING/SLAPPING” is a BIG “NO-NO“..Don’t teach him/her violence!

reward and reprimandIf you have any concerns or questions about parenting, leave your comments below & our expert will get back to you!