Reimagine. Recreate. Restore – Positive Reflection Of The Week

Reimagine. Recreate. Restore

We All Need To Reimagine, Recreate & Restore! – by Alia Datoo

This weekend June 5th, 2021 we celebrated World Environment Day.

The Theme this year is garnered towards Ecosystem restoration through Reimagining, Recreating, and Restoring the environment by preventing, halting, and reversing damage- to go from exploiting nature to healing it.

In Mahatma Gandhi’s words, “What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.” And this leads me to ask, while we are reimagining, recreating, and restoring our environment, how are YOU reimagining, recreating, and restoring yourself?

We’ve reached the halfway mark of 2021. How different has this year been from what you had envisioned for you? Have you met your goals and ambitions? Have you achieved what you had set out to achieve?

If your answer is yes, I’m PROUD of you and wish you all the success and best of luck for the remainder of the year.

If your answer is NO, then it’s time to take stock.

Re-imagine your goals for the rest of the year. Maybe what you had thought of, no longer serves the person you have evolved into. Maybe you need to aim higher, or a few degrees right. There have been times when I have set goals for myself and assumed by reaching that goal, I would have met success. But I realized, as I reached it, it was just the beginning of a larger journey and that there was much more to do, achieve and become.

Know this: It is absolutely OK to Re-create your life at any point. Success does not have to be static. Other times I came up short of my ultimate goal but felt content that I no longer wanted to pursue that goal, due to the changes that had occurred in my life. My motivations for success had to be pivoted in a new direction, one that often conflicted with my initial goal or concept of success.

And, if you have fallen off the bandwagon, it’s never too late to reset and restore your life and your goals. As you check in with yourself at the end of this post, accept where you are at the moment but decide where you want to be by the end of 2021. Remember, your focus determines your reality.

So, tell me, what will you Reimagine, Recreate and Restore?

Manifesting The life you want

Reimagine. Recreate. RestoreAlia Datoo, Transformational Holistic Energy Coach