Raising A Troubled Teenager? – By Alvira Diwan

troubled teenager

How To Raise A Troubled Teenager- Adolescent Parenting! – Written By Alvira Diwan

While parenting itself is a great responsibility, parenthood in adolescent age needs special attention.

Adolescent is the age in which children demand to be treated as adults but never behave like one. It is the most vulnerable phase of life. Building up a strong character in this age will ensure a good personality in the adulthood.

Parenting a teenager is never easy, but things would worsen if your child is stubborn, irritable, violent or depressed. The reason maybe changes in hormones or transition to adulthood but their attitude intensifies like anything. There is some kind of pressure on the teenager from the family too, like keeping higher expectations and so on that makes them revolt.

Raising a teenager is not easy but raising a troubled teenager with substance abuse, behavioral issues or mental health problems is even more difficult. Intervention for these kinds of problems is really essential.

– Effective communication is the key to avoid problems.
– Keep yourself updated with the latest trends and ideas.
– Look out for changes in your teen’s behavior.
– Monitor their actions – the friends they have, the shows/Movies they watch and the games they         play.
– Spend quality time together to create a strong bond.
– Analyze the situation from their perspective.
– Seek professional help when necessary, your child’s mental health is just as important as his               physical health.
– Set rules which everyone in the family should abide to, including you. This way teenagers won’t         feel punished.

Most importantly build up trust so that your children are confident to confide in you their problems which would make you aware of their life!


troubled teenager

Alvira Diwan
Masters in Clinical Psychology


If you have any concerns or questions as parents, leave your comments below & Alvira Diwan will get back to you!