4 Important Questions To Ask On Your First Vet Visit!
Becoming a first-time purrent, can be very exciting but at the same time nerve-racking. It’s not just about getting a puppy or a kitten into your home, but it’s about ensuring your furbaby gets the best life. It’s therefore mandatory for all new and old pet owners to take their new puppy or kitten to the vet as soon as possible in a pet carrier. A lot of purrents make the mistake of waiting before they can organise the first visit to the vet and by doing this they put their pet’s health in jeopardy. Just because the puppy or kitten looks healthy doesn’t mean it is, and let’s say even if it is you still want to make sure that you don’t compromise their health and well-being as initial vaccinations are key when it comes to a happy and healthy pet. Don’t be afraid of visiting the vet and it’s also advisable to be prepared for the first visit by knowing what questions to ask your vet. Remember, good vets, love it when you show interest and enthusiasm in their patients as their job & passion is to make sure your pet remains healthy, thriving, and disease-free. So let’s dive into some of the most important questions you as a purrent should ask your vet on the first visit.
1. The Million Dollar Question- Is My Puppy/Kitten Healthy? This may be a simple question, but it is the most important question to ask. As mentioned earlier, just because the kitten or pup appears healthy, doesn’t mean that it has no illnesses. It could be carrying parasites or may have an underlying illness that may not be apparent. At the veterinary, the vet will fully examine your furbaby for any conditions and may even want to run some tests. Don’t doubt your vet, but also always show keenness and ask questions like what is this test for? Many times first-time and even old pet owners, shy away from asking questions, worrying they may annoy or upset the vet. Don’t hesitate as there is nothing like a wrong question!
2. What Should I Feed My Furbaby & How Often? Once you have determined that your furbaby is hopefully healthy, you now need to know what and how much, and how often you need to feed your pet. A lot of pet owners skip this and they end up with an either obese or malnourished pet, both of which can contribute to infections and other health issues. You want your pet to have an ideal weight and also want to train it so that it doesn’t just ask for food all day. Remember, the younger ones need a balanced diet with the right amount of nutrients which include the right amount of proteins, fat, and calories. Now is the time to ask your vet which food is good for a snack vs meal and which brands to use and avoid. Most of the time your vet will explain to you how to prepare the meals at home because no matter what brand, canned or prepackaged foods aren’t as nutritious as fresh homemade meals, and most of the time they have preservatives to keep their shelflife long. Your Vet may also give additional pills that are packed with the necessary vitamins for your pet. Always ask your vet to explain the purpose of these additional pills.
3. What Vaccinations Are Needed & How Many Times Must You Visit? It is a common practice to vaccinate your puppy and kitten at the right age for many things including Rabies, Parainfluenza, etc. (We will cover the different vaccines in another topic). When it comes to visits the Vet may insist on monthly or bi-monthly wellness checks for the first few months of your furbaby’s life. Remember, this age is extremely critical and if your vet insists on regular visits, ask them to explain to you the reason if you have doubts. It’s also important to note, that if your pet for some reason falls ill or shows signs that it’s not doing well, don’t hesitate to pay a visit outside the scheduled visit times. Remember, it doesn’t take too long for the health to deteriorate so don’t wait!
4. How Do I Care For My Pet (Taking Care Of The Hygiene)? It is not uncommon for pets to get parasitic infestations such as ticks, fleas, or heartworms. It’s therefore important to know how to keep these pests away and protect your furbaby. Always ask about what parasites you need to be wary of and how to keep them away. Also, ask about bathing/shampooing. Remember, puppies need to be cleaned/shampooed regularly, whereas kittens keep themselves clean and don’t like water and have no need of being frequently bathed, however, kittens do require regular brushing as do dogs with long fur coats. Ask your pet to show you how to clean your furbaby and what comb to use when brushing and how to brush without injuring your pet. Another important aspect of hygiene is keeping the puppy’s/kitten’s nails healthy. Usually, you will be required to get them clipped, trimmed, or filed once a month. It’s always best you don’t do this at home and get it done on your wellness visits, as you can easily injure your furbaby easily if you are inexperienced. You can also ask your vet to show you how to take care of their nails so you can do at least do filing at home. Whatever the case, it’s always advisable to let the expert take care of the nails.
Lastly, always keep your vet’s number handy, and don’t hesitate to call your vet if there is a need. Remember, they are busy saving lives, so try not to call for simple things. Also, if there is an emergency and you can’t get your vet on the phone, as he/she may be attending to another patient. Don’t wait, get your pet to the vet ASAP.
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