Psychological Empowerment – By Shahela Sheikh

psychological empowerment

Psychological Empowerment During This Quarantine Season- Written By Shahela Sheikh

As many of us are hitting the rock bottom, we feel totally useless just being at home, with the same old house chores. Personally, writing these articles keep me going! As a mental health professional I felt obliged to share what psychological empowerment is all about.

What is psychological empowerment? The psychological empowerment is a blend of self-esteem, self-efficacy, self-determination, self-confidence, self-awareness, positive thinking all of which leads to well-being and happiness of an individual.

This put in simple terms means, having a sense of belonging through positive thinking to reach your determined goals. This is a concept not only used when one feels worthless but also when one has barriers to set goals, just like this quarantine season.

Interestingly, staying in pyjamas all day sets you into a comfortable place, that means that many of us feel heavy about our daily tasks. The idea is to keep you going as you realise your personal psychological empowerment.

According to positive psychology theory, it solely focuses on the strengths that enable individuals and communities to thrive, which in turn, enable us to feel empowered and contribute to our society.

Here are some of the things you can do, to feel psychologically empowered:

 Set out some “me time” to just meditate or connect with your spiritual inner being.
 Be clear on who you are i.e. understand yourself.
 Be clear about what you want, do not lose focus! Read and research more to empower yourself.
 Be clear on your set goals during and after this quarantine season.
 Be responsible in your society i.e. stay at home and follow protocols to protect you & others against the COVID-19.
 Create awareness.
 Help and support a friend or a family member.
 Empower local businesses.
 Take on a healthy routine by exercising and eating right.
 Make a timetable for your daily routine and stick to it, to be able to focus on your self-determination.
 Affirm yourself to motivate yourself and help you maintain your self-confidence.
 Create better relationships by spending quality time with loved ones at home.
 Refrain from spending to much time online.
 Connect with the artist within, for example, take up an indoor hobby that makes you proud of yourself e.g. cooking, decorating, painting, drawing, crafting etc.

Psychological Empowerment

psychological empowerment

Shahela Sheikh – Psychologist

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