Pros & Cons Of Boarding School! – H&S Education & Parenting

boarding school

Boarding School- To Board Or Not To Board?

Sending your child to a boarding school for the first time can be quite frightening for both parents and the child. There are so many questions that go through a parent’s mind whilst considering boarding school for their child, however, it’s actually not as scary as it seems, provided the school you pick for your child meets with all the parameters of a good boarding school. Below is a list of pros and cons a parent should consider before making this decision.

Pros & Cons Of Sending Your Child To A Boarding School:


1. A Sense of Responsibility- Sending a child away from home can actually prepare him/her early to get responsible. Usually, when children live with parents they become relaxed as they have everything looked after but at boarding school, certain chores need to be done such as their laundry, making their own bed etc, which actually prepares your child to take up some responsibility.

2. Sense of Independence & Confidence- Children tend to be more independent and confident. Both traits are needed to survive in today’s world and equip your child better.

3. Holistic Approach To Education With Less Technology Time- Children at boarding school are occupied with activities all throughout the day into the evening. This means less time is spent on technology such as mobile phones. You also have more time spent on the child, building his/her personality, instilling discipline, punctuality, sense of responsibility as mentioned above. This is not only useful on the academic side but in general, helping the child prepare better for his/her future with the valuable lessons of life that help build a solid foundation.

4. Better Decision-Makers- The concept of saving and using the money for example on when needed helps children become better independent decision-makers. Money management and time management are 2 such important aspects of life that are instilled at a young age helping your child become better decision-makers in life.

5. Great Friendships & Everlasting Bonds- At boarding, stronger friendships & everlasting bonds are made.


1. Expensive Affair- If you are planning to send your child to a boarding school, it comes with a pretty hefty price tag. It’s always good to factor in the costs involved before making the move.

2. Homesickness- Homesickness is one of the side effects of sending your child away from home. As a parent, you too may find the separation from your child emotionally challenging.

3. Other Risks- Bullying can occur and it may be difficult to know if your child is bullied or not, however, the risks could be similar to any school. If the school you send to your child has a zero-tolerance to bullying than you can have some reassurance that your child will be okay. Constant academic pressure is another risk that your child is subjected to whilst at a boarding school.

Remember sending your child to a boarding school doesn’t mean your responsibility as a parent is over. If you plan on sending your child to a boarding school make sure you are constantly involved in their lives including keeping a tab on their academic progress. This can also eliminate some of the risks such as homesickness and bullying. If you are in touch and keep a tab on your child enquiring about their lives and at the same time making sure you are just a call away, boarding school can actually be a great experience for your child.


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