Procrastination Will Get You Nowhere! – By Rekha

Procrastination: A Hazard To Success – Written By Rekha Manchandia

Procrastination is the act or habit of delaying or postponing something – like work, project or a decision, especially something requiring immediate attention. According to the dictionary, a ‘procrastinator’ is a person who delays or puts things off – like work, chores or other actions- that should be done in a timely manner. The word ‘procrastinator’ comes from the Latin verb procrastinare, which means deferred till tomorrow.

Why do some people procrastinate???
When they find the work very hard…. Or very boring?… Fear of failure?… Lack of resources?… Lack of planning?….
Extreme perfectionism also deters a person from initiating action… Lack of management skills?….Lack of self-confidence…

How to avoid or fix it?
1. First, recognise and accept that you are procrastinating.
2. Explore the reason behind it.
3. Work on that reason.
4. Remove it.
5. Practice meditation and positive self-talk.
6. Develop confidence and be firm while taking a decision.

Major disadvantages of Procrastination-
Missing deadlines, wastage of time, reputation in office tarnishes; which results in not getting important tasks in future, low self-esteem, piling of work results in stress and decreases efficiency, etc.

Some Useful Guidelines….
1. Don’t wait for a proper or right time to start work.
2. Finish the task you have started; don’t leave it midway.
3. Set a deadline for the work in hand.
4. Don’t accept too much work at a time.
5. If you are faced with certain limitations in performing a task, don’t hesitate in asking for help and guidance from others.
6. Try to release the need to be a perfectionist from your mind, if you are one.
7. Pat your back and smile to yourself, whenever you are able to avoid procrastination.



Rekha Manchandia
Postgraduate in Mathematics & Psychology
Psychological Counselor with more than 24 years of experience