Power Of Colors Part 2 – Positive Reflection Of The Week

power of colors

The Power Of Colors Part 2 – Written by Alia Datoo

Last week we had a look at the importance of colors in our life. We read about how color influences our mood, our health, our prosperity and our interactions with others.

This week, we will take a deeper look at each color and what it represents.

RED: Red brings about vitality, courage and self-confidence. Red can come in handy when you have a demanding day ahead of you, or when you are feeling drained. Red draws power from the earth and energizes us on all levels. Red keeps us physically connected to ourselves. Red represents the life force. Red portrays courage, confidence, strong-will, spontaneity and honesty. Red also represents the Root Chakra.

ORANGE: Orange is the color of happiness, confidence and resourcefulness. When we see the color Orange, we suddenly feel a burst of joy and our appetite for life increases. The Color Orange is considered an emotional stimulant. It connects us to our senses and helps us remove inhibitions and makes us independent. Orange promotes social ability, enthusiasm, happiness, enthusiasm, self-assuredness, and activity. Orange also governs the Spleen or the Sacral Chakra.

YELLOW: Yellow is the color of wisdom. It promotes Clarity and boosts our Self-Esteem. Yellow gives us clarity of thought and increases our awareness. It stimulates interest and curiosity. The energy of Yellow is related to the ability to perceive and understand. While Red Connects us to our physical self and Orange connects us to our senses, Yellow connects us to our mental self. It personifies good humour, optimism and intelligence. Yellow is also the color of the Solar Plexus Chakra.

GREEN: Green is the color of Balance and Self Control. In metaphysics, Green is associated with the Heart Chakra and is also the color of Love. Green helps with cleansing and balancing; cleanses and balances our energy. Green also brings us a feeling of rejuvenation, of peace and harmony. Green connects us to unconditional love and is used for balancing our entire being. Green represents understanding, self-control, adaptability, sympathy, compassion, generosity, humility and is associated with the Heart Chakra.

BLUE: Blue, the color of knowledge, is a mentally relaxing color. It is often associated with peace and calmness and is known to have a pacifying effect on the nervous system. It is helpful to soothe and relax nerves, as it connects us to our thoughts. Being associated with the Throat Chakra, Blue helps with speech and communication. Blue also denotes loyalty and innovation.

INDIGO: The color of mysticism and intuition, Indigo is often associated with intuition and psychic experiences. It connects us deeply with our subconscious and the universe at large. Indigo promotes lucid dreaming and creative imagination. It represents someone who is a wise sage and a seeker of truth. Indigo is associated with the Third Eye Chakra.

VIOLET: A color of beauty, creativity and inspiration, Violet purifies our thoughts and feelings and gives us inspiration. The energy of Violet connects us to our higher self and brings to us the guidance and inner wisdom we require. Violet denotes leadership. It is the color for creatives, humanitarians and the mentally strong. Violet is associated with the Crown Chakra.

So, next time you see any of these colors, tune into the energy of that color and try to recognize how it makes you feel. What emotions or sensations does it bring about and how does it influence you.

Next week we shall discover how to identify our Power Color. Keep Reading…

power of colorsAlia Datoo, Transformational Holistic Energy Coach