An Introduction to The Power of Color – Written by Alia Datoo
Color plays a huge role in our daily lives, at times subtly and at times dramatically.
Each color invokes different emotions and has the power to affect our mood and wellbeing to a great extent. Color greatly influences how we see ourselves and the world around us. Color not only shifts the way in which we see ourselves, but also the way others see us. For example, people may interact with you differently based on the energy of the colors you are wearing.
Ancient cultures used to practice Chromotherapy, also known as Light Therapy. Since we are all energetic beings, one of our most important sources of energy lies within the Spectrum of Colors derived from light. Each life on earth is dependent on the electromagnetic spectrum and wavelengths of color, with each color carrying a different frequency.
Each Color in the spectrum is created by light and is associated with various areas of our life and body. They impact us differently spiritually, emotionally and physically.
It is it both interesting and important to learn how each color affects us and empowers us to make a conscious change in our life. Techniques such as Color Meditations and Visualizations can help us with this. Such techniques not only enhance our mood and confidence but also assist in balancing the energy centers located within our body.
In the external world, Color is used in advertising to influence us to formulate certain feelings about products and places. For example, studies have shown that the combination of blue and yellow attracts more buyers than any other combination. Orange is associated with fun and energy and will be present in “fun and exciting” brands.
Next week, we will take a deeper look at the Spectrum and what each color represents for us spiritually, emotionally and physically.
Alia Datoo, Transformational Holistic Energy Coach