Paulsa Bins Limited – Garbage In, Garbage Out

Paulsa Bins Limited

Paulsa Bins Limited

‘Garbage In, Garbage Out’

Paulsa Bins Ltd is a locally registered company founded on 1st April 2017, specializing in providing environmental services with a view to being a leading player in the industry. It is located in Dagoreti Waithaka.

• Garbage collection and disposal
• Supply of bin liners, skips & drums


GARBAGE COLLECTION AND DISPOSALWe collect and dispose of garbage from both the residential and commercial sectors. We have divided the entire Nairobi region into zones such that both the collection of garbage and marketing of these services are done hand in hand. We endeavour not to leave any area within our operation zone unvisited. This is made possible by a well maintained and serviceable fleet of trucks coupled with a dedicated and professional workforce.

All collections are recorded on a collection record sheet stating time spent on client’s premises, the number of bags collected. This record for each client maintained and is available on request.

Note: All our services are tailor-made to fit each and every one of our client’s requirements and circumstances without compromising on our standards.

Disposal of garbage is done at City Council approved dumpsites only.

SUPPLY OF BIN LINERS, SKIPS AND DRUMSpaulsa bins limitedFor residential houses, we provide 120 gauge bin liners in which to put garbage awaiting collection. For residential estates, we provide skips and/or drums and also collect on call-basis.

Contact Us:

Call Us 0202631563

Email: [email protected]