Parenting Styles – H&S Education & Parenting

parenting styles

What Is Your Parenting Style?

There are many ways a parent can raise their child and although there are four basic parenting styles, your parenting style may consist of a combination of strategies to raise your child. It was in the 1960s when Diane Baumarind categorized the 4 different parenting styles, giving it distinctive names based on the characteristics. It’s important to understand that a parenting style that parents use to rear a child has a direct effect on the child. Usually, most parents conform to using a combination of these styles rather than sticking to one style. For example, a parent may be a disciplinarian as and when the child may need disciplining.  So what is your parenting style?

The 4 Baumarind Parenting Styles:

1. Disciplinarian or Authoritarian Parenting Style- Parents who conform to this style are commonly referred to as the ‘strict parent’ that use strict parenting approach. They usually have high standards set with firm rules and regulations with one main goal being ‘obedience’, which if the child doesn’t abide by, he/she is punished. There is only one-way communication i.e. from the parent to the child. Parents using this style particularly portrayed as less nurturing.

2. Permissive Parenting Style- Parents who adopt this style of parenting use a friendly approach whilst parenting. They are known to be loving, warm & use few to no guidelines and rules, but are not strict at all, making them completely opposite to the disciplinarian. They use open communication but believe ‘kids will be kids’ and allow their child to decide for themselves rather than imposing their own decision. The downside of this parenting style is that the child raised by permissive parents struggles with self-control and self-regulation.

3. Uninvolved Parenting Style- This style can also be referred to as neglectful parenting skills as the uninvolved parent are usually indifferent, dismissive or completely neglectful towards their child, giving the child a lot of freedom making few to no demands. In other words, there is no particular discipline method as such involved allowing the child to do as he/she pleases using very little to no communication offering little nurturing making the parent appear less caring. This parenting style is definitely not a good style to conform to as the child feels neglected and with the lack of parental guidance can end up feeling lost & directionless. The child raised by an uninvolved parent can feel unloved and detached.

4. Authoritative Parenting Style- By far one of the best parenting styles to help raise a child. The parents who conform to this style, despite having high expectations and rules and regulations, tend to be nurturing and supportive. A child raised by authoritative parents demonstrate self-discipline and can think for themself making this style the most beneficient to children. Rules are clear with an explanation and communication is frequent yet age-appropriate conforming to the child’s level of understanding.


parenting stylesDo you have any parental challenges? Let us know If you have any concerns or questions about parenting, leave your comments below & our expert will get back to you!
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