Parenting & It’s Effects On Early Childhood – Written By Alvira Diwan
Early childhood is the most important phase of a human life. It is defined as the period from birth to eight years old. It is a time of remarkable growth with brain development at its peak. During this stage, children are highly influenced by the environment and the people that surround them. When we talk about development, the first five are the most important. This is when a child becomes the person they are going to be. It is when they learn appropriate behaviour, boundaries, empathy and many other important social skills that will remain with them for life.
‘The parent-child’ relationship has a major influence on most of the aspects of child development. Parents are the first teachers of a child and home is the first institution where the child learns the essential skills of life.
Parenting skills and behaviours have a positive impact on children’s self-esteem, school achievement, cognitive development and behaviour. Parenting in early childhood serves as a foundation of learning for the child, it is therefore parents’ duty to make the foundation strongest, as every thing learnt during early childhood remains with the child forever. Kids learn moral values, manners, disciplines everything from their home. It’s their good upbringing which helps them succeed in the future and build a strong personality.
• Promoting Independence in early childhood can make your children confident and independent adults. Let them do little things on their own, assign tasks which you’re sure that they can accomplish. Don’t do the tasks for them that you’re sure they can do.
• Praise them for the little accomplishments, it will make them feel worthy.
• Prioritize learning through play. Children usually have a tendency to hate learning through books, hence facilitate learning through fun ways so that they develop interest.
• Parenting is an important part of child rearing &is not difficult if you understand your child well. Not every child is similar. Learn what works for your child and plan your parenting style accordingly.
Most importantly, enjoy the phase of early childhood. It is the time when children are most innocent and vulnerable. Their innocence can teach you many lessons of life too. And your challenge is to teach them about life, keeping their innocence intact.
Alvira Diwan
Masters in Clinical Psychology
If you have any concerns or questions as parents, leave your comments below & Alvira Diwan will get back to you!