Own A Brand New Polo Vivo For Kshs.165,000*

Test Drive One From Your Nearest DT Dobie Showroom 

With the Polo Vivo

Start a new chapter

The Polo Vivo is on sale right now in the DT Dobie showroom in Lusaka Road, Nairobi and the Company’s branches in Mombasa, Nakuru and Kisumu. The car is designed and built for Africa with a 1.4 litre 16 valve fuel efficient engine, raised suspension and under guard protection.

*10% Deposit with Monthly Repayments from Ksh. 34,560.
Full Retail Price is Ksh. 1,650,000 incl VAT


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Call DT Dobie: +254700766660/+254703222555 Nairobi │ Mombasa │ Nakuru │ Kisumu
Pewin Motors Ltd: +254202362900/+254704690034

Email Us Now: [email protected]