Overcoming Serious Relationship Crisis Peacefully – H&S Love Affair

Serious Relationship Crisis

Serious Relationship Crisis & How To Overcome It Peacefully

Are you struggling in your relationship? Has it come to a point where you and your partner are at each other’s throat? If you are reading this article expecting a guidebook to help you get rid of your relationship struggles, then you, my friend, are in the wrong place! Relationship struggles are real and can be difficult. However, it’s all about how you deal with them & this is what this article is all about. The range of emotions you go through, whilst in a relationship, are extremely normal. Some days may be amazing, while others not so amazing. What’s important to understand is, generally the ‘lows’ will pass. There’s a big problem when the ‘lows’ don’t pass, it’s then you know you’re stuck in a serious relationship crisis. The point is to try not to get stuck in the ‘crisis’ and to figure out how to work through the issues. There’s definitely no right or wrong way to manage conflicts in difficult relationships, but what you need to understand is, that there are many things you can do to improve your headspace when your relationship is struggling, in order to salvage your relationship before it gets too late.

Focus On ‘You’:

That’s right! Relationship struggles can take a toll on both you and your partner, leaving you feeling drained. For this reason, you need to focus on yourselves. Take care of yourself, do things that can distract you in a good way keeping a healthy headspace, reducing the stress. Once you work on yourself and find ways to cope with the stress, only then will you be able to better manage the conflicts in your relationship.

Have 1 Friend You Can Confide In & Talk To:

It’s important to have a support system, someone whom you can trust outside your relationship. Someone whom you can confide in and take advice from. Usually, a dear friend who can be trusted can be your ‘go to person’. Family should be left out because their opinions can be bias and further cause a drift in your already struggling relationship.

Minimizing The Damage, Before It Gets Too Late

overcoming serious relationship crisis
As mentioned, relationship struggles are real and can be hard, but that doesn’t mean you can’t work through these challenges.

Effective Communication Is Key
Every relationship is unique and has its own set of challenges, but that doesn’t mean it has to end. But, the key is to always communicate effectively with your partner. Addressing and talking to your partner about the struggles, is a first step to resolving any issue. Keep practising effective communication regularly. A good way to address the issue is by asking a question and listening to what they respond with first, and then give your opinion on the issue.

Accept & Respect The Differences
Whatever differences you have with your partner, it’s important to accept and respect them. These differences could stem from religious views, cultural views, etc. Whatever the difference, embrace it and respect it. This way, in the long run, differences won’t matter.

Give Each Other Space
Taking time off from your relationship gives you and your partner the space you need so you can think with clarity. This doesn’t have to be only when you have a crisis, taking a break once a while from your partner is healthy it allows you both, to focus on yourself and your needs away from the relationship.

Lastly, Do What’s Good For You
Ups & downs are inevitable in a relationship. But if the downs are constant and affecting your headspace, or there’s abuse, you need to think about the bigger picture ‘are you happy?’. If you are constantly upset, hurt, miserable, sad and there are more negatives than positives in your relationship then it’s perhaps best to end it for you!

If you need to seek professional help, do it! A mental health professional may help bring more clarity to your relationship and life, and may even help you through your relationship issues.