Order Your Wedding Bouquet From J.K. Florists

wedding bouquet

Order Your Customized Wedding Bouquet From J.K. Florists

bridal bouquet
No wedding and definitely no bride is complete without a wedding bouquet. There are many types of wedding bouquets, and it all depends on your choice. We have mentioned 4 popular types of wedding bouquets that most brides love. So, if you are looking to create a stunning bridal bouquet for your big day, no matter what you desire, J.K. Florists will make your day extra special using fresh flowers of your choice and colour to create a stunning bouquet & help you stand out as a bride! Check out some samples of the wedding bouquets below and give them a call to help you make your day extra special!

4 Most Popular Types Of Bouquets:

1. Cascade Bouquet-

This type is also known popularly as the presentation bouquet or a pageant bouquet, and is a dramatic bouquet that gives the bouquet a ‘waterfall’ look where the flowers drape down or spill down the front of the arrangement. This bouquet is for brides who love to make a statement, and it goes well against the background of a simple wedding dress.

2. Round Bouquet-

This wedding bouquet is like a perfect dome, and usually single flower types are used to form this bouquet. The most popular flower choice being roses, however, hydrangeas & peonies too can be used. Because the bouquet is monochromatic, it stands out well against any wedding dress, elevating the bridal look. For brides who like a subtle look, can opt for a pastel shade!

3. Posy Bouquet-

This is by far the most classic and popular choice of all bouquet types. They are small, display mostly flowers and are wrapped with ribbon to create that classic bouquet.

4. Nosegay Bouquet-

This type of bouquet is similar to the posy, but has more greenery than flowers. The most popular types of flowers used include orchids, roses, baby’s breath and lilies.

All Occasion Florists

We specialise in the following:

Weddings Bouquets │ Parties │ Arrangements │ Hall Decorations │ Fresh Flowers │ Dry Flowers

Customised Bouquet Samples Are Displayed Below:


Shop number 7B
Amani Plaza
3rd Parklands Avenue, Highridge.

Bouquets come in various sizes, small or big depends on what you want. Spend above 2500 on any and get a 10 per cent discount

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