Order A Bouquet For Every Occasion From J.K. Florists!
Whether it’s your niece’s birthday, your parent’s anniversary, your son’s graduation, your best friend’s engagement or your cousin’s wedding; whatever the occasion bouquets are the best gifts to give to your loved ones! So be sure to order your beautiful, fresh bouquet from J.K. Florists. The bouquet prices start from Kshs 2,500 ONLY! So book your bouquet(s) in advance with J.K. Florists- your all occasion florists! They have a bouquet for every occasion!
Get Up To 10% Discount On All Bouquets! Offer Ends On 29th Of November!
All Occasion Florists
We specialise in the following:
Weddings Bouquets │ Parties │ Arrangements │ Hall Decorations │ Fresh Flowers │ Dry Flowers
Our Bouquet Samples Are Displayed In The Gallery: