Omar Esa: Spreading Peace Through Nasheeds

Omar Esa: Spreading Peace Through Nasheeds

Omar Esa: Spreading Peace Through Nasheeds

Album: Allah and His Beloved

Languages: English, Urdu, Arabic

Omar Esa is an award-winning, chart-topping International nasheed artist from the United Kingdom (UK), who uses only his voice in all his nasheeds and recites nasheeds in mainly the English, Urdu and Arabic languages. His nasheeds are very versatile thanks to Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala), as he can write both contemporary and traditional sounding nasheeds Alhamdullilah.

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Spreading Peace Through Nasheeds

Omar Esa’s heartfelt nasheeds transcend language barriers and spread messages of peace, love, and devotion. His powerful voice and touching lyrics resonate with audiences around the world, earning him accolades and admiration.

Omar Esa – Walhamdulillah [Official Lyric Video]



Featured Tracks

H&S Magazine’s Top 3 Tracks From This Artist

No. 1. 99 Names of Allah (swt) nasheed by Omar Esa


No. 2. Omar Esa – Jummah Mubarak Nasheed | 3D Islamic Cartoon


No. 3. Omar Esa – One Family (One Ummah) Nasheed | 3D Islamic Animation


Track List

Experience the divine melodies of Omar Esa’s nasheeds on his album “Allah and His Beloved” available on Apple Music.

Follow The Link Below To Listen To “Omar Esa”

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