New Year, New Decade – By Michelle Arscott

New Year New decade

Embrace The New Year, New Decade & Bid Farewell To The Past Year!- Written By Michelle Arscott

2020, sounds like a year from a futuristic sci-fi movie, yet here we are, not only in a new year but a new decade! How can you make it your best year yet?
By following some very simple exercises, you can positively bid farewell to the past year, achieve closure and create openness and space to move on successfully to the new decade, ready for new opportunities, growth and connections. This article will explain in more detail the simple process.

Reflect back on 2019 with eyes of gratitude. What are the things that you are grateful for from the past year?
Write a ‘Dear 2019 letter’ or with friends or family, reminisce about the highs. Be thankful and appreciative, even of the lows. There is a gift in everything of key learnings and new awareness.
What were the gifts?
Don’t forget to also be appreciative of yourself in 2019, look at yourself lovingly, the challenges that you survived and overcame, the times when you stepped out of your comfort zone when you gave to yourself and to others when you felt the fear and did it anyway!
Write a love letter to yourself and file it away to read when you are feeling low, go a step further and record the letter, listen to it daily for 3 weeks. Bizarre as it may sound It is a great way to dose yourself with self-love and boost your ego so that you are ready to face any challenge of 2020.

Leave your personal baggage of 2019 behind, it can come in many guises from regrets of missed opportunities, experiences or broken relationships, to grudges against yourself and others. It’s time to make peace, time to forgive and forget so that you can create space to be open to all the great opportunities and relationships ahead.
Try this short visualisation to help you to release your baggage from the past and move on. Find a quiet and comfortable space, close your eyes and take 3 deep cleansing and relaxing breaths.
Visualise your own personal bag, it could be of any colour, shape or size. Written on it is your name and a label with 2019 on it. Imagine filling the bottomless bag with all your personal baggage, the ‘stuff’ that is holding you back, the people, the places and situations, all the things that you want to leave behind in 2019. Once the bag is packed, close the lid firmly and securely lock it. Imagine lifting the bag up and carrying it. How heavy does it feel as you move around with it? Ahead of you, there is a long conveyer belt, going off into the distance, imagine placing your bag on the belt and watch the bag until it disappears from your view. How light do you feel as you walk away empty-handed? Relish the feelings, the sense of lightness and freedom.

With the release from your past and heightened appreciation and awareness of the gifts from 2019, now it is time to focus on your future. Spend some time reflecting and journaling about your future aspirations; use the questions below to guide you.
What is it that you actually want for yourself in the New Year?
Who do you want to be in 2020?
What will you have to do to achieve this?
What will it give you?
Once you have reflected on these questions, think about the actions that you will take. Use these prompts to support the process: What actions will you stop doing? What actions will you continue to do? What actions will you start doing?
From your thoughts, commit to 3 realistic and achievable actions that you can begin tomorrow. Write them down. Take a moment to visualise yourself successfully doing these and most importantly, truly believe that this will be your year, your decade!

Pursue your passions, focus on your goals and open yourself up to the whole new decade ahead.

Happy 2020


New Year New Decade

Michelle Arscott – The International Adult & Kids Life Coach

BSc (Econ) Psychology & Sociology
PGCE Education
ICF Accredited Life Coach
ILM certified Coach
Kids Life Studio Certified Coach

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