What Is A Depth Year? – by Alia Datoo
Last year I embarked on a year of Minimalism. I cannot say that it was a huge success. Although I did not acquire a lot of clothes, I did go ballistic with my Tarot Deck collection and re-started collecting books that have found a permanent abode on my bookshelf.
So this year, instead of going wider (acquiring new things or taking on new pursuits), I’m going to return to abandoned projects, stalled hobbies, unread books and other neglected intentions, and go deeper with them.
You can call this “My Depth Year”…
So what is a Depth Year?
Many tend to tie this to consumerism. In an age where it is very easy to pick up and abandon new interests, we tend to get hooked to the feeling of newness. I would like to see a Depth Year as learning to live without the new.
Instead of learning a new hobby, get better at the ones you already dabble in. Instead of starting a new project, try and complete the old one which still lies unfinished. Instead of buying new books, pick up the ones that are scattered all over your bookshelf, some half-read, others, long abandoned. Don’t but new clothes. Use what’s in your wardrobe instead.
There are several examples of how to begin or define your own personal Depth Year, but the bottom line is, “stay[ing] the course through certain dry and tricky parts where we once stopped and did something else. It is at those moments, those forks in the road between breaking new ground falling back on convenience and predictability when we can choose depth”.
My Depth Year
A Depth Year is sort of similar to Minimalism, but it encourages you to keep “DEPTH” in front of your mind at all times.
Rumi depicts this beautifully in one of his poems where he asks how committed we are to our individual paths. That we can choose to bring all our love to our current path or re-evaluate and change course. If we are lost, be lost. Become so lost that we find the beloved within.
Here is what I want my Depth Year to look like:
Go Deeper Within. If you have been following my blog, you now know that it has been a long and an arduous journey to self-discovery. I have a clearer sense of who I am, what I stand for and what kind of experiences I want to allow into my life. This year I want to cultivate a deeper connection with my self and form a stronger bond with Me. This includes being mindful of my thoughts and actions too,
Declutter. There are so many things that I still don’t need. This is the perfect time to get rid of them.
No New Clothes. I’m still going to keep with my minimalism principles for this and other areas of my life/closet.
One book at a time. I have committed not to buy a new book until I finish reading all the ones on my shelf.
Going deeper with WWH. There is so much to build here, but instead, I’m choosing to build on what is already established and strengthen the foundations further.
Relationships. To make time for the special people in my life.
Creativity. Being a Creatrix, I need to be creating something or the other – a piece of art, write a blog, travel – anything that gets my creative juices out. I have not been doing much in the latter part of 2019, but I’ll make it a point to be more creative in 2020.
This seems pretty interesting and challenging. I am excited about going deeper this year. Join me on my journey as we discover, together, what the outcomes may be. Who knows, you may want to start your own Depth Year! 🙂
By going really deep into one thing, it gives you a real deep understanding of everything!
Alia Datoo, Transformational Holistic Energy Coach