Multidimensional Part 2 – Positive Reflection Of The Week


You Are A Multidimensional Being Part 2

In my Previous Article, you got an idea of what being multidimensional means.

This week, we will take a similar approach and look at what is it to be Multidimensional in a Non-Physical existence.

Just like your body can create multiple processes at different levels, so can you – as an energy being. Remember, that you are not just your physical body, but a lot more.

So, I would like to invite you to take a step back from your physical self. Step away from this person that you are, born on this particular date, with a particular history and understand that there are other versions of you that exist.

Currently, you identify yourself as a particular person in a particular body with a particular history. But, as a multidimensional being, you also exist in alternate timelines and this is what it means when I say that all these alternate versions of you are part of your energetic blueprint – the same way your cells and organs are an extended version of you, existing in an alternate timeline of you.

Here is a simple exercise you can try to understand better what I am saying. Think of where you are right now. And now close your eyes and think about where you’d like to be, and immerse yourself into that experience. Get all your senses involved – sight, smell, sound, taste, feel, Completely immerse yourself into that experience. And now bring yourself back to the now. See? You were able to access an energetic version of you that was probably enjoying a cocktail in the Bahamas! You felt everything very vividly. That is you accessing yourself in a different dimension.

And you can do this for every situation of your life.

In closing, being multidimensional is simply being able to access your energetic extension, which is infinite. For a multidimensional being, you are all things, whether that is a physical manifestation or a non-physical manifestation of yourself: your thoughts, ideas, and dreams – you exist in all forms and dimensions.

multidimensionalAlia Datoo, Transformational Holistic Energy Coach