Mental Wellness – By Michelle Arscott

mental wellness

Prioritising Your Mental Wellness, Self-love & Self-Care – By Michelle Arscott

In this new global chapter, more than ever before, it is important to prioritise your self-care and self-love, and mental wellness should be your number 1 priority. Now can be an increasing time of stress and anxiety as more and more things can seem out of your control. For our positive mental wellbeing, it is important to focus on what you can control: your thoughts; your beliefs; your actions.

The article and accompanying video will focus on identifying what you can control and key elements to include in your day to stay positive.

Try this short exercise to identify what you can control:
Spend 5-10 minutes writing down your worries.

Now look at your list and divide the worries into 2 lists.
One side the worries you can’t control. For example; ’My neighbour is not practising social distancing,’ and on the other side the worries ones that you can control; for example, ‘I am so unfit’.

Look at your list of worries and tear up the worries that you can’t control.
When you have finished say 3 times out loud, ‘I choose to let go of the things that I can’t control,’ and finalise the affirmation with 3 deep breaths.

Now focus on the worries that you can control and think about what you can do to alleviate these worries. Think about what thoughts, beliefs and actions can help you to overcome these worries over the next several days and weeks?

Here are some question prompts to support your actions, thoughts and beliefs on a day to day basis:

 What do I want to achieve today?
Write a ‘to do’ list – a great way to focus on the things you can control and feel a sense of achievement. Prioritise 1 to 3 things that you would like to achieve on that day, and if you don’t achieve them, remember there is always tomorrow. It is important to show yourself self-compassion, especially during this chapter of our lives. Be your own best friend.

 What intention am I setting today?
Reflect on your previous day and week and think about what attitude will support you. For example, Would it help to be calm…to be grateful…to be positive? Set the intention in the now and in the present tense, so that your subconscious mind will believe and support you. For instance: ‘I am calm, I am kind, I am appreciative.’

 What beliefs will support you today to be positive?
Think about the thoughts that will support you during your day, to counteract your monkey brain and those negative, non-serving thoughts. For example: ‘I am safe, I can get through this, I am brave, I am loved.’ When you hear your monkey brain, challenge them with your positive beliefs.

 What ‘me-time’ am I creating in my day?
Remember to factor in time for yourself, ideally with some quiet time. A great time for quiet time is very early morning, especially if there are other people in your house. Also factor in other ‘me-time’ opportunities in the day, even if it is just quietly enjoying a cup of tea or listening to one uplifting song. It’s a chance to pause, reboot and restore. As part of ‘me time’, also incorporate movement in your day; it could be alone or, if you are with family, a group activity, from a fun obstacle course to family races. Exercise keeps you healthy, fit and happy.

 How am I mindfully, positively facing everyday routine and tasks?
A lot of people are currently without help in their homes, so extra tasks have been added to the usual daily itinerary. Approach tasks such as cooking and cleaning positively, for instance, seeing cooking as creating something for your family, contributing to keeping them strong and healthy. During regular household tasks be in the moment, take it as an opportunity to pause, focus individually on each sense, as you do the task. For example, what can I see while doing the task…hear…feel?

 How am I being appreciative today?
Everyday count your blessings, look for the beauty in the ordinary things, from the feel of the wind on your skin to the connection with family and friends (even if it is virtual) to the fact that globally we are united in one big act of extraordinary love, trying to keep everyone safe!

Keep positive, well, and safe!

Mental Wellness Is A Priority

mental wellness

Michelle Arscott – The International Adult & Kids Life Coach

The International Life Coach
BscEcon Psychology & Sociology
ICF Accredited & ILM Certified Life Coach
Kids Life Studio Certified Coach
Children’s Yoga Certified Teacher