Meditate – Positive Reflection Of The Week

Meditate - Positive Reflection Of The Week

Meditate & Listen To The Stillness – Article by Shahwana

I come across many people, in my workshops where I teach Pranic Healing, and when a subject of meditation is brought out, 80% of the students say, I cannot meditate, I cannot sit and do nothing.

Well, for them and for you readers, perhaps these steps can be helpful. Why not just start with the breath, inhale hold and exhale. For a few minutes do nothing but focus on your breath, that’s a start to calm the monkey brain.

Making time for moments of stillness can have powerful mental health benefits. Here are some tips to get you started.

Today, stillness can be hard to come by. There’s just so much going on. So much noise both inside and outside our brains, so many tasks on our to-do lists, and at least several screens within reach.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, stillness is “the quality of being quiet and not moving”.

Moments of stillness are possible even on the busiest of days. They are within our reach whenever we need them.

Being still also soothes our nervous system. Listen to soft music, pay attention, chant mantras meditate on the gaps. These are some tips to start practicing stillness. Flow with energy and in no time, you are able to meditate on the breath, on the gap and eventually you are able to control that monkey mind.

‘‘be still and know that am God’’ – Psalm 46:10


Shahwana Khanam – Pranic Healer