MAKE LIFE MAGICAL with Life’s Little Magical Formulas by Zoya. A NEW Children’s book on Gratitude, Perseverance, Generosity, Respect & Honesty

MAKE LIFE MAGICAL with Life’s Little Magical Formulas by Zoya.

MAKE LIFE MAGICAL with Life’s Little Magical Formulas by Zoya.MAKE LIFE MAGICAL with Life’s Little Magical Formulas by Zoya.

A NEW Children’s book on Gratitude, Perseverance, Generosity, Respect & Honesty

Life’s Little Magical Formulas is a collection of five short stories told by its five main characters – The Big Five. The stories are set in the Maasai Mara and are told on one special night, while the animals snuggle up close together around a big bonfire eating marshmallows and drinking hot chocolate.


Meet The Characters


Zawadi Elephant MAKE LIFE MAGICAL with Life’s Little Magical Formulas by Zoya.

‘When you feel blue, and someone helps you, don’t forget to say ‘‘thank you’’.’



SAFIRI, THE LION MAKE LIFE MAGICAL with Life’s Little Magical Formulas by Zoya.‘I can and I will because I believe that I can achieve.’



BAKAI, THE BUFFALO THE LION MAKE LIFE MAGICAL with Life’s Little Magical Formulas by Zoya.‘By sharing and giving, we show we care. In helping, our family and friends know that we will always be there.’’



ELEWE, THE LEOPARD MAKE LIFE MAGICAL with Life’s Little Magical Formulas by Zoya.‘To get respect, you have to give respect, so always remember to be thoughtful and kind.’



IMANI, THE RHINOCEROS MAKE LIFE MAGICAL with Life’s Little Magical Formulas by Zoya.‘Follow the rules and tell the truth because that is the right thing to do.’


These stories have been written so as to help your child create and have a magical life. Each story explains the value and demonstrates by example how to apply the value in our everyday life. By reading these stories, the author hopes to encourage children to follow the values each character shows in the book.

The book also creates an opportunity for children and their parents/guardians to create a magical life together. By dedicating the Author’s Note to the parents/guardians and including a star reward sheet in the book, the author has created such an opportunity.

More information about the company – Magical Leoz Limited and the book Life’s Little Magical Formulas by Zoya can be found at

If you would like to read these stories and go on this magical journey, please email [email protected] to get a copy @ a special price of KES 850/- per copy.

Best Wishes,


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MAKE LIFE MAGICAL with Life’s Little Magical Formulas by Zoya.

Magical Leoz Limited

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