How To Tell If You Are Living With A Narcissist? What Is Narcissism? – Written By Shahela Sheikh
Narcissism is a trait, where one is excessively self-involved and holds high levels of admiration for oneself.
Let me take you back to the history of the word ‘narcissism’. The Greek god Narcissus was known for his beauty. He was so enamoured for his own beauty that he spent his time admiring himself. He was so self-absorbed, that people around him had to prove their devotion and love for him by killing themselves. His story is a cautionary tale that tells us about the effects of excessive self-love. People with narcissism or narcissistic personality disorder display similar traits.
In my experience of being a psychologist, I receive a lot of emotionally turmoiled clients who come in not knowing their partner, friend or their family member may be a narcissist.
To know if you are living with a narcissist lookout for the following:
- Inflated self-esteem
- Cannot tolerate criticism but often criticises, demeans and belittles others
- Believe that they are special or unique
- Grandiose sense of self-importance
- Use manipulation often
- Lack of empathy
- Constant need for admiration and affirmation
- Exploits others without guilt or shame
- Self-entitled
- Often like to monopolise situations and conversations
- Exaggerates talents and achievements
- Envious of others but often believe that others are envious of them instead
- They often try to control you by cutting you off from family, friends and loved ones
- Always try to be the superior one and often cannot be corrected
If you have someone, you feel that has been treating you harshly and seems to show no empathy i.e. they lack empathy when you need them to feel empathy, they refuse to be corrected and always try to zone you out from others. If the character traits mentioned above are familiar to you, then know he or she may be a narcissist. It’s important to keep your mental health in check and try to find coping strategies to deal with narcissists.
For more information on narcissism drop me an email on [email protected] or if you would like to seek mental health advice to deal with such people.
Shahela Sheikh – Psychologist
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