What Is Life Without Love & Kindness!- By Shahwana Khanam
Humanity as we know; we face a daily crisis with relationships on many different levels. Family – Friends – Colleagues.
How we react really makes a huge difference for the next level of communication. If we react with anger, we know the next step, rather the consequences. Many a time, we find ourselves regretting what we said and actions that follow are irreversible.
So, we want you to do a simple exercise of asking ‘Why this makes me angry? Why this particular person/s has such an emotional trigger?’ Many a time, if we choose to reflect and understand we do find the problem is us, we lack patience, we lack tolerance, inability to accept people as they are.
Such behaviour patterns have been impregnated from our childhood experiences for most times. We may have seen parents, teachers, a superior personality who had an influence in our growing up days react this way, & that is why we picked such behaviours; by the time we are trying to calm down or change such patterns, lots of damage is already done through words and/or actions.
One way of changing the patterns is being aware and asking yourself questions like “Are my thoughts, words and actions wholesome? Will they cause injury to the person/s? Will it be hurtful?” Once you take five minutes daily just reflecting on these questions, the behaviour patterns start changing – you will find yourself doing and acting on what you need to be changed.
“Immortality can be achieved only by a continuous act of kindness” – Buddha
Approach your day with love, look at what you have, smile, love, and show kindness towards oneself is most important. If you love yourself it will be easy to love another.
Kindness has power. Kind words and gestures offer potent healing and such acts go a long way. It is the absence of cruelty, intentional hurtfulness and ill will that is referred to as loving-kindness. The two aspects of this important virtue are loving-kindness and non-injury. Being kind involves being compassionate towards others physically, mentally and verbally.
Let Your Heart Blossom
Politeness, courteousness, and helpfulness are all acts of loving-kindness. Verbal kindness involves the use of words that are warm and those that help nurture and encourage others to do better and be more optimistic about their lives. Such words help others to grow and flourish. When one is appreciated and recognized for one’s efforts and successes, however small, she/he is greatly motivated. Kindness opens up the Heart Chakra or Anahata Chakra and empowers the crown chakra or Sahasrara chakra, the seat of Divine Love. – GMCKS (Founder of Pranic Healing & Arthatic Yoga).
“What you say must be kind. Loving-kindness in words is like watering the flowers. If you say the right words, they have a nurturing effect. First, master verbal non-violence, then master non-violence of thought.” -Grand Master Choa Kok Sui
The popular emotion anger and hate today probably is racism.
“No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion,” Mandela said. “People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”
“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend” – Martin Luther
It’s love which heals my friends, it’s through love we can achieve the magical relationships we seek all our lives, the secret is in the Heart open that heart let love loose for all. It starts with us.
“Be the change that you wish to see” – Mahatama Gandhi
If you want ‘love’, you have to start by giving love – you want to be heard you need to hear – you want to be hugged you need to spread your arms and make that move. See it all starts with us!
Have a week filled with Love and Kindness!
Shahwana Khanam – Pranic Healer