Life Transformation Workshop With Shahwana

Life Transformation Workshop
A Workshop For Positive Life Transformation – Achieving Oneness With The Higher Soul

Workshop With Shahwana Khanam – Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th February 2021

Your body is a temple of the divine & if that’s the case then it’s worthy of worship and taking care of.

We are made in the image of God we are the essence of God. That means we are all one.

So we are occupying this body on a temporary basis, we as ‘souls’, we are immortal.

But how much of that do we actually know? How much of that do we actually experience?

When your body dies is that the end? Did we complete our purpose of life? Were we ever connected to the greater me! Or we just lived life as a process. These are some questions which linger on and on!

To find some clarity and to get a road map to life’s greatest purpose.

GMCKS Phfea presents the fascinating, empowering and self-transformation workshop
On 13th & 14th  Feb in Nairobi

Get a road map for your life! A power-packed workshop.

This course reveals ancient meditations that help accelerate the union of the Incarnated Soul (or lower self) with the Higher Soul (or higher self), which is a seed of God’s divinity within everyone.

Experience peace and calmness and clarity in the midst of a busy and chaotic work/home environment.
Release old emotional baggage to create positive changes in all your relationships by inviting your Higher Soul into your everyday life.

Intensify your spiritual experiences with special meditations to connect with your true self


Time: 9:am – 6:pm (On both days)

This Is A Workshop Not To Be Missed!

Registration Is Now Open!


Contact Shahwana:

Call Us (+254) 711 800 120