5 Life-saving Fashion Hacks For Men & Women By H&S
We have all been in that sticky situation where we have spilt something on our favourite piece of garment that we were planning to wear, or we couldn’t get rid off that unpleasant odour from the closet! Fret not, H&S Fashion Tips has 5 life-saving fashion hacks that can literally save your day!
1. Red Wine Stains- Did you just spill some red wine on your clothes? ladies & gentlemen don’t worry this tough stain can easily be removed with the help of some white wine! You heard it White Wine!! Dab some white wine over the red wine stain and rub in gently! Voila your problem’s solved!
2. Get Rid Of Unpleasant Odour- Do your clothes in the closet smell funny? Are you unable to get rid of that strong, unpleasant mouldy odour from your clothes? Here’s an easy solution for you, in an empty spray bottle pour in 1 part vodka with 2 or 3 parts water! give it a little shake and that’s it! Spray some in your closet & before you know it the odour will have disappeared!
3. Got Chewing Gum On Your Clothes?- There are a few ways to remove the gum in a jiffy! You can either throw your jeans or garment into the freezer for a few minutes or rub an ice cube on the gum until it hardens. Once it hardens peel it off! Alternatively you can try hair spray directly on the gum. Once it sets the gum will easily come off!
4. Wax off- Got wax on your clothes accidentally? Don’t worry- take a wax paper put it on the affected area (hardened wax) and use a hot iron on it! Pull off the paper gently and the wax too should come off!
5. Oiled!- Did you just spill some oil on your clothes? Don’t panic! Use a paper towel & blot away the excess oil, then sparingly cover the greased stain with baby/talc powder. Now remove the powder using paper towel. Most of the stain should have come out! If there is still a residue, use a little amount of hand dish washing detergent & water, using your thumb gently rub it into just the greased area, once it foams, use an old toothbrush and move it gently in circular motions both on the front & inside of the garment. The oil should have completely come out!
Keep reading this section as we share with you our favourite fashion tips, trends & styles!- H&S Fashion Tips