Kindness And Compassion – Positive Reflection Of The Week

kindness and compassion

Kindness And Compassion Mindfulness Meditation – By Michelle Arscott

Now more than ever the world needs kindness and compassion, with Covid19 and the recent racial unrest in the USA and beyond. The video clip I have posted is a ‘kindness and compassion’ mindfulness meditation, to remind you that compassion and kindness should first begin with yourself, then extend to your inner circle, outer circle, community and then beyond. Imagine what the world would be like if everyone was kind!

Simple ways to have kindness in your life:

Be kind to yourself
 Every day, ensure that you allow yourself some time, it doesn’t have to be for a long period as everyone is busy, it could be ten minutes to yourself at the end of the day or a quick walk connecting with nature.
 Daily, commit to a loving self-care activity, such as reading a book, a hot bubble bath or time connecting with a friend.

Be kind to others
 Regularly express appreciation and gratitude to your loved ones and explain why you are grateful for them in your life, write a letter.
 Check-in on others, especially those who are vulnerable during Covid19 and are stuck at home.
 Have grace and be patient with your loved ones and others, you never really know how life events are impacting them. If in doubt be kind!

Kindness to the community and beyond
 Commit random acts of kindness, for example, the security guards at the mall, the person who sells flowers on the street, the petrol attendant- maybe it is buying their product, maybe it is a tip, maybe it is a gift, something that acknowledges them and brings a smile to their face.
 Regularly commit to charitable events whether its volunteering your time, running for a charity or regularly contributing gently used clothes and products to people in need. Kindness is free and, in a world, where you can be anything always choose kindness. You never know the positive knock-on effect of a simple word or action on someone’s life.

‘When you are kind to others, it not only changes you, it changes the world.’ – Harold Kushner

Keep positive, well, and safe!


kindness and compassion

Michelle Arscott – The International Adult & Kids Life Coach

ICF accredited Life Coach, Kids life Studio certified coach and certified Mindfulness Practitioner